
The Book Spine Poetry Challenge

Last week I saw this idea on Gretchen Miller’s blog, Creativity in Motion, to create a poem from the spines of stacked books. Here is her post:

I thought to myself, how cool! I’m going to do that. So I added it to the never-ending To-Do list. There are a million things on that list, but today at lunch time I found my mind wandering and my gaze in the direction of the bookshelves. So I created the space to tackle this idea.

Initially I thought this would be easy, but it really wasn’t. And it’s probably against the rules, but I had to add a few words with a sticky note.

Here is my creation:
“Art is a way of knowing, step by step, the Journey of self-discovery. Seeking safety, visual explanations, rituals of healing. Art can Change your life.”

The books I used for the poem:

Art is a Way of Knowing: A guide to self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment through creativity by Pat B. Allen
Spanish Step by Step by Charles Berlitz
The Journey of Self-Discovery by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness)
Seeking Safety: A treatment manual for PTSD and substance abuse by Lisa M. Najavits
Visual Explanations: Images and quantities, evidence and narrative by Edward R. Tufte
Rituals of Healing: Using imagery for health and wellness by Jeanne Achterberg, Barbara Dossey and Leslie Kolkmeier
Take a Nap! Change your Life by Sara C. Mednick

This was fun, and challenging! Now it’s your turn!

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About arthealsaustin

Licensed Professional Counselor-Art Therapist (LPC-AT) and Art Therapist Registered-Board Certified (ATR-BC) providing Art Psychotherapy services in Texas

One response to “bookspinepoetry.jpg”

  1. Gretchen Miller, MA, ATR-BC says :

    Great book spine poem! It really speaks to the power of art therapy….. The inclusion of Art is a Way of Knowing makes me want to do another poem with my copy…. 🙂 TY for sharing this….

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